Thursday, June 18, 2009

On the Mend!

I am feeling several times better than I was this morning. I ended up decided to miss my classes today in order to make up for the sleep I didn't get yesterday and to just let my body catch up with everything that's been going on. We just got to Lucknow a few days ago, and prior to that, I was on a plane every other day crossing time zones for about a week--not that I'm complaining, but it does strange, strange things to your health.

But I'm on the mend and doing better, and Cayley's almost fully recovered, and now it's just poor Elizabeth who is not feeling well.

Hopefully, this sort of illness isn't par for the course. :)

Today, basically the only thing I got done was filling out a form to go to the police about my presence in Lucknow. Good job done--just not super thrilling.

One thing I did want to talk about, however, is just how refreshing this whole experience has been in terms of seeing "The Big Picture." I think I've been feeling like I absolutely-must-have-to get a full-time job as soon as I get out of college, and after talking to the other students here, I feel a lot more opened to getting sidetracked. Now, don't get me wrong--the 9-5 job will be coming my way quickly, but there are things like the Fulbright, PeaceCorps, Teach for America, and other opportunities--things that you really can only do when you're young. I guess I'm more open now to getting carried away--life's an adventure, not a race to a desk, and I feel more at peace knowing that it's okay to get a little sidetracked--that I can still end up on the "right" track even if I go a different route than most. My story can be my story, and the ending can be the same no matter which way I went about getting there. And it's a really liberating notion that there are several ways to arrive at the same destination.

Hope that makes sense to somebody else. :)

PS Last night when I was trying to fall asleep around 9pm, a wedding band started up on the street--a really, loud obnoxious Indian wedding band. It was really awful wedding music, and it was literally right in front of the house. There are literally moments almost every day when you just have to laugh at irony and its timing.


  1. whooooo. glad you're on the mend.

    as to your philosophical tangent: i LOVE it. It's why I'm back in school, yo. I was so hell-bent on finishing early and then, when I DID finish early, I was confused, lost and had no other idea than to go BACK for more education (at least people don't give you the stinkeye when you say you don't know what you're doing with your life when you're in school).

    I understand you perfectly, and am so happy somebody else feels the same way! XO, Holly

  2. I love your passage from today. I am glad that you are feeling better and that you have a greater peace about arriving at your destination in life. Have a great day, and God Bless!

  3. Jess! Thanks so much for the card! It was there the day I got here. It made me so stinkin' happy. I wish I could send YOU one back. Also, give yourself time to rest. I'm sorry you were sick.. no fun. I love following your travels- thanks for updating us!
