Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Camping?: A Moment of Discouragement

I just found a cockroach in the bathroom.

It was the first one I've seen since arriving in India on Saturday. It was approximately two inches long, and it was a reddish color.

I am so grossed out right now--you have no idea.

That brings the total cockroach count (in our apartment) to 2, and our lizard count is at 1 so far.

I'm really trying to think of this whole "Living in India" thing as camping at some sort of rustic summer camp. The accomodations are nice, but nowhere that I'd want to live for an extended period of time. The paint's peeling in the bathroom, and there's a really huge fire/water mark in the dining area, and have I mentioned the heat? It was 119 yesterday, and today was a slightly cooler 118, and I don't have "air conditioning."

It's rougher than I'm used to, and it wears on you in strange ways.

I'm also a little unstrung because I haven't learned anything yet, and I feel so clueless. There are about 40 students study Urdu this summer at the Institute, and I am ONE of the FOUR people who have no Urdu language experience whatsoever and who haven't studied Hindi or Arabic, the languages to which Urdu is most closely related. So I basically feel knowledgeless. And the real fun starts tomorrow when we REALLY get to work on the language--so far everything's just been orientation.

And I haven't been eating much. It's taking me a little time to adjust to 24/7 Indian food when I'm unaccquainted with the spices and what-not. Right now, it's 9:30pm my time, and I had a snack at 4pm, but I haven't had dinner yet, and I really didn't have much of anything for breakfast or lunch.

And it's at least 95 in the apartment right now.

And I am sweating profusely.


Things will get better, right? This is a moment of discouragement, primarily because I saw the cockroach--a really big one at that--and now I'm scared of little cockroaches meeting the world in my suitcase.


The heavy pesticides/sprays are coming out in the morning.

Moment of discouragement.
Rant over.

1 comment:

  1. all I could think when I read about the paint peeling, etc, was your mom saying, "THIS LOOKS SO SHITTY!!!" and I giggled inside. You're bigger than a cockroach, yo! Get a big stick ... or a jar... and beat the crap outta that dumb cockroach.

    praying for you! xo
