Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Less than 15 hours until my plane leaves for DC....

Holy bizoli.

I am in the middle of a packing frenzy and am not having tons of luck in that department: hence, I am typing away.

Among the most bizarre/random things accompanying me on my journey:
- Bug repellent with permethrin--so intense that it cannot make contact with my actual skin, and if it does, then I need to get a hold of the nearest poison control center.
- Scott wipes. (I am so prepared for any bathroom that comes my way!)
- Tums. For calcium.
- A wide array of the antibacterial products.
- Oatmeal and fruit strips. Just in case Indian food is not jiving with me, I've got back-up.
- Host gifts including a North Dakota mug, Nebraska decorative plate, strawberry-rhubarb jam, and a North Dakota magnet.

I've also had four shots (against typhoid, influenza, polio, and tetanus) and received a malaria prescription.

It's just so crazy-- I LEAVE TOMORROW AT 5AM FOR DC!!!! GAH!!!!

Last night was my last official night in my hometown since I'll be up at like 3am tomorrow, so I invited some pals to meet me at a downtown coffee shop for a last minute gab fest. SO FUN. About 10 people or so were able to make it, and it was one of the best nights I've had in such a long time. I have really fantastic friends, friends who laugh with me and support me, and I've been really grateful for them in light of everything that's happened in the past few weeks. I forgot how blessed I am to have such great people in my life--really genuinely blessed.

So, since my bedroom literally looks like some sort of clothing volcano--a very rare specimen indeed--native to wherever it is that I am at any particular point in time--erupted, I should get back to the task at hand.

I will be posting as time allows.



  1. Good luck Jessie!

  2. Jess, I am thrilled for you! Looks like you're already headed out on your journey. Enjoy it all and take as many pictures as you can so you'll be able to tell stories. I'm excited for this blog and hope you get to update it!
